Nov 2020
The electronics manufacturing sector in France
The electronics manufacturing sector in France, a constantly evolving sector.
In an unprecedented context of technological acceleration, notably via the Internet of Things, and the digital explosion, studies carried out have attempted to imagine the future of French electronics manufacturing for 2020 – 2025. These studies have been carried out in contact with French and foreign players in the sector. Thus, development forecasts have been made in the short and medium term concerning electronic manufacturing.
Electronics is in fact present in all industrial sectors, providing them with intelligence, autonomy, connectivity as well as performance thanks to the diversity of its players. It brings together manufacturers of components, test and measurement equipment and products as well as subcontractors of design offices, distributors or companies developing on-board systems and software.
The French electronics manufacturing sector in 2019 in a few figures:
- 70,020 jobs.
- 1,033 companies.
- 15 billion euros in turnover.
- 4.6 billion euros in Added Value.
- 3 activity areas (Île de France, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Grand Ouest)
Of the 70,020 jobs in the sector, 48% represent component manufacturers, 37% work in EMS, 10% in equipment, tests, measurements and consumables, 3% in distributors and 2% in design offices.
Regarding the evolution of the turnover of industrial production of electronic systems at the world level, in 1980 it represented 450 billion euros, then it reached 1,140 billion euros in 2008 and 1,500 billion euros in 2017. A very significant increase which shows its importance.
Regarding the electronics manufacturing sector, France is a major player in this sector, but it remains behind its competitors in Asia and North America.
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